Tilda Publishing
007 495 646 08 44
The PMI Aero company provides an integrated approach to solving the problem of air transport accessibility.
Помогут оценить потребность в самолетах ТВС-2МС
Our experts will assist to assess the need for TVS-2MS aircraft.
Предоставят предложения по выбору компоновки
Our experts will provide
suggestions on internal arrangements and technical solutions.
Обеспечат сопровождение процесса сделки до момента передачи самолета Заказчику
Our experts will support the transaction process until the delivery of the aircraft to the customer.
«I personally really want us inside the regions not to fly on small aircraft purchased abroad, because if we start doing this en masse, we will never have our own aviation production in this class that we need so much.»