Tilda Publishing
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Our team
We are the new team that has rallied to implement the idea of developing commuter aircraft and to improve the transportation services in the regions of the Russian Federation and abroad. The PMI Aero company was established in 2018 to provide the promotion and sales of TVS-2MS aircraft (which is a remanufactured and modernized AN-2, developed by The Siberian Research Institute of Aviation named after S.A. Chaplygin and produced by RUSAVIAPROM LLC) in the domestic and foreign markets of commercial air transportation (FOC). Our company offers aircraft TVS-2MS in the medical, passenger and landing variations. We provide an integrated approach to the support of the sales, from assistance in choosing the configuration of the aircraft to supplying spare parts for routine maintenance. OUR FOUNDER is PMI Systems (PMI Systems - Industrial Measuring Systems) which isthe official distributor of RUSAVIAPROM LLC.